Making Sustainability A Corporate Boardroom Priority

The Covid pandemic has forced many businesses to rethink their strategies, and many have prioritized sustainability as a key agenda in these uncertain times.
Making Sustainability A Corporate Boardroom Priority

The Covid pandemic has forced many businesses to rethink their strategies, and many have prioritized sustainability as a key agenda in these uncertain times.

But a concern many people have had is whether that would continue in a post-pandemic economy.

There is undoubtedly going to be a lot of financial fallout from Covid-19, and one solution is to set sustainability targets for the long term.

Eco Business has published some data from research into executive approaches to sustainability. 

“A recent study of corporate bosses by Russell Reynolds found that just under half of them are taking action to integrate sustainability into their businesses, although nearly double the proportion believe it is critical to their success and survival. Consisting of interviews conducted this year with 55 chief executives and board members who have a track record of integrating sustainability into business strategies, the study was part of Russell Reynolds’ work with the United Nations (UN) Global Compact.”

As it turns out, more CEOs and board members have come to the conclusion that sustainability is not just a matter of public image but is a critical factor in remaining financially successful.

By becoming more sustainable, companies can attract better talent and more customers who care a lot about who they work for and what they buy.

It looks like large corporations could become a key driving force for environmental protection.