Mail-In Electronics Recycling
Use our Mail-In Electronics Recycling service to send us electronics from anywhere in the USA
Green Directory
Our Green Directory helps you locate a recycling center near you in just a few clicks.
Laptops |
Desktops |
Servers |
Monitors/ TVs |
Networking Equipment |
Tablets/ Smartphones |
Computer Components (Hard Drives, Circuit Boards, Keyboards, etc.) |
Office Electronics (Printers, Fax Machines, Paper Shredders, etc.) |
Kitchen Appliances (Toasters, Blenders, Microwaves, etc.) |
Stereo Equipment (DVD Players, VCRs, Receivers, etc.) |
Styrofoam (#6 Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) ONLY) |
Console Video Games (Xbox, PS3, Wii, etc.) |
UPS Batteries |
Cables/Cords |
Toner/ Ink Cartridges |
Bottles/ Cans |
Furniture |
Polyurethane |
Large Appliances (Stoves, Washers, Dryers) |
Non-Rechargeable Batteries (Alkaline, Carbon Zinc, Disposable Batteries) |
Light Bulbs (Incandescent and Fluorescent Bulbs) |
Items containing liquid mercury (Thermometers and Thermostats) |
Smoke Detectors |
Styrofoam #4 Low-Density Polyethylene foam (LDPE/PELD) |
Hazardous Waste (Paint, Motor Oil, Sharps, Bio Hazardous Waste) |
Medical Electronics (Bodily contact devices such as Glucose Sensors) |
Before Our Team Arrives
Upon Arrival
FREE Data Destruction With a Certificate When You Recycle 2018/Newer Working Computers.
(Applicable for all Apple and non-Apple computers)
There are known issues in using the Internet Explorer browser when submitting a pickup request on our website. If an error occurs, please try submitting your pickup request using Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge browsers. Alternatively, email us at or call us at 650 493 8700 x 103 to schedule. If you face any issues with the desktop app please submit via Point And Shoot Mobile App. |