Honeywell Introduces New Plastic Recycling Technology

Honeywell solves one of the biggest plastic recycling issues with its newly invented technology. This can ensure 90% of plastic enters the circular economy.
Honeywell Plastic Recycling Technology

One of the main problems with all the different types of plastics is that many of them are not suitable for recycling. And when they contaminate other materials, the problems for recycling companies just increase further.

But Honeywell has created a new recycling process that could mean that up to 90% of all the plastic waste enters the circular economy, rather than ending up at landfills or in the Oceans.

A PR News Wire report summarized the new technology like this.

Honeywell’s UpCycle Process Technology utilizes industry-leading molecular conversion, pyrolysis, and contaminants management technology to convert waste plastic back to Honeywell Recycled Polymer Feedstock, which is then used to create new plastics. The UpCycle Process technology expands the types of plastics that can be recycled to include waste plastic that would otherwise go unrecycled, including colored, flexible, multilayered packaging and polystyrene.

By some research estimates, this type of technology could end up recycling up to 15 million tons of additional plastic every year. It may take a few more years to fully expand this technology to all major recycling companies, but it’s a huge move in the right direction.

On top of the reduction in waste, the company has also reported that the process reduces CO2 emissions by over 50%.

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