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Hewlett Foundation recently announced zero-emission strategy to eliminate the use of the fuel engine in personal vehicles and the trucking industry by 2050.

Celebrities, foundations, and industry leaders have announced ambitious plans to combat climate change. Most of these plans target specific areas such as energy, agriculture, or transport. 

The Hewlett Foundation’s recently announced zero-emission strategy specifically focuses on de-carbonizing road transport. 

According to GreenBiz, the Foundation aims to eliminate the use of the fuel engine in personal vehicles and the trucking industry by 2050. 

The foundation hopes that by accomplishing this in four regions — the United States, China, India, and Europe — enough global momentum will be achieved to stop the heating of the atmosphere.

Liz Morrison, Mobility Analyst, GreenBiz Group

Until recently, the idea of green transport laid upon minimizing the demand for miles, mobility pricing, designing more efficient engines. 

However, with advancements in electric vehicles and battery technology, this idea gained a wider momentum. 

And it doesn't surprise that Hewlett focused on road traffic— this mode of passenger and freight transport is responsible for nearly 80 percent of transportation emissions. 

The good news is that solar and wind energy are now getting cheaper than coal

In this way, funding from the Hewlett Foundation goes hand in hand with governments’ own goals of decarbonizing the power sector. 

Nikola, an electrical engineer, simplifies intricate sustainability subjects for his audience. A staunch environmental conservationist, he embodies his beliefs daily through recycling and cultivating his own food.

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