EU Proposes To Certify the Removal of CO2 From Atmosphere

CO2 in atmosphere

The EU announced its plans for the certification of the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. If the proposal is approved by EU countries, it will lay the base for a certificate of carbon removal provided by the government. According to Reuters, the removals include carbon in soils and forests and CO2 stored underground and in construction materials.

“The EU has committed to cut its net greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 from 1990 levels, and reach “net zero” emissions by 2050 – meaning that any remaining emissions that cannot be completely cut in sectors like agriculture or cement making must be balanced by removing CO2 from the atmosphere.”

There are currently voluntary schemes in place, but the EU wants to create more widely used ones. According to the proposal, the existing certification schemes need to meet certain criteria. One criterion that need to be met is the risk of releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere. 

The EU says they will make laws outlining criteria for specific kinds of CO2 removals. Experts say this is a necessary first step, but there are many questions that need to be answered, including the integration of certified removals into governments’ climate targets.

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