US Cities Cancel 4th of July Fireworks Because of Wildfire Risks

US Cities Cancel 4th of July Celebrations

US has been hit with droughts and heat waves recently, so many cities across the country have canceled firework shows. The cities don’t want to risk starting wildfires. Plus, there are issues such as lack of staffing and supply chain problems due to pandemic.

According to EcoWatch, some states, such as Arizona, are opting for laser light shows instead of fireworks. San Joaquin Valley, Lompoc, California, and Castle Rock Colorado, have also canceled their popular fireworks display due to drought. 

On the other hand, cities in New Mexico, such as Albuquerque and Santa Fe plan to hold fireworks shows, despite experiencing a massive wildfire recently. 

“Aside from avoiding potential wildfires, swapping the pyrotechnics for other options is better for the environment in several ways. Fireworks are not an eco-friendly option for celebrations. For one, many of the professional-grade fireworks are made in and transported from China, equating to a large amount of carbon emissions.”

The main concern is that sparks from fireworks could cause fire to homes and dry brush. Moreover, fireworks aren’t eco-friendly. Many of them are made and imported from China, which creates a lot of carbon emissions. Plus, fireworks leave behind plastic fragments, and they can even contaminate waterways and pollute air quality.

Let’s hope more cities will opt for greener alternatives and use live performance events and light shows.

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