NASA Teams Up With Boeing For Green Aircraft Design

By only changing the aircraft design, we could see 30% more fuel-efficient flights. NASA and Boeing partners up to make it happen.
NASA Teams Up With Boeing For Green Aircraft Design

NASA has teamed up with Boeing on a new project to come up with the design and prototype of a new type of aircraft that will make greener commercial air traffic possible within ten years. 

One of the interesting things about the project is that it won’t focus on making the aircraft larger to hold more people. This could make it greener by making the per-passenger carbon footprint lower. 

Instead, this aircraft will have a single aisle and will aim to fill 50% of the short and medium-distance flight traffic. CNN has reported some interesting details on this.

“The design that NASA and Boeing are working on could reduce fuel consumption and emissions by up to 30% compared with today’s most efficient aircraft, according to the agency. It’s called the Transonic Truss-Braced Wing concept, which relies on elongated, thin wings stabilized by diagonal struts that connect the wings to the aircraft. The design’s shape creates less drag, which means burning less fuel. The Sustainable Flight Demonstrator will also incorporate other green aviation technologies.”

While designs are already in advanced stages, we will have to wait until 2028 to see the first test flight take place. But in the context of designing revolutionary new aircraft, that is a very short time span made possible by a large investment.

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