LG Innotek Revealed Its Carbon Neutrality Plans

Leading electronics manufacturer, LG Innotek shares its plans to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040.
LG Innotek Revealed Its Carbon Neutrality Plans

LG is one of the leading and biggest consumer electronic brands in the world, and with that impact on the planet comes a lot of responsibility. The company has now stopped just talking about carbon neutrality and instead has started showing the world what its plans are to achieve this by 2040.

The first major milestone is a complete switch to 100% renewable energy in all its factories and offices by 2030. And with electricity accounting for 90% of the company’s greenhouse gasses, that will have a huge overall impact in less than ten years.

The Environmental Leader had some interesting details to share about some further actions.

“LG Innotek will also carry out various measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In particular, the company plans to acquire the Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWTL) validation at its domestic and overseas sites to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated from the landfill waste.”

And then, there are further actions when it comes to all business vehicles. LG aims to replace all existing internal combustion vehicles with zero-emissions ones by 2030 as well.

Those are big milestones that will hopefully serve as a blueprint for other companies.

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