Panasonic Takes Responsibility For Its Carbon Emissions

Panasonic, the leading electronics company reveals that it is responsible for 1% of total carbon emission and now making plans to open zero-carbon factories.
Panasonic Takes Responsibility For Its Carbon Emissions

Panasonic is a leading consumer electronics company, and a recent company audit has revealed that it could be responsible for about 1% of the world’s carbon emissions through electricity consumption. 

That’s an astounding number for one company. But the company has now decided to lead the way towards zero carbon emissions through multiple approaches. 

Not only will the company make its devices and operations more energy-efficient, but there will also be a move to open new zero-carbon factories. 

An Environmental Leader report had some more numbers to share about the huge undertaking. 

statementThe company says its factories use nearly 5 billion kilowatt hours of electricity a year, which amounts to 2.2 million tons of carbon emissions annually. Additionally, Panasonic says more than 1 billion people worldwide use its products, which produces nearly 86 million tons of carbon emissions.

Making such calculations that clearly don’t paint a good picture is definitely a step in the right direction towards corporate responsibility and accountability. And tech companies, in general, are in a position to heavily invest in large-scale clean energy projects to lead the way. 

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