New Diaper Solution Could Make Big Environmental Difference

A new service for cloth diaper collection and cleaning could make a huge impact on household waste. This “reuse” solution is greener than disposable diapers.
New Diaper Solution Could Make Big Environmental Difference

Diaperkind is a new idea that aims to make the use of cloth diapers a lot easier and aims to save the planet by making a huge difference in household plastic waste. With most babies going through over 3,000 diapers per year, this could amount to 50% of household waste. 

And that could be even higher if you have more than one child in diapers at the same time. 

All those diapers contain a lot of synthetic plastic materials, and there is a huge amount of CO2 tied up in the manufacturing process as well. 

The problem with cloth diapers is that most parents have enough to do with a young baby, and they simply don’t like the idea of having to then wash out smelly diapers as well. 

Diaperkind aims to solve that problem by collecting dirty diapers from your home and swapping them for freshly laundered ones. 

Treehugger has reported why this solution is better than using compostable diapers. 

statement“Compostable disposables, which are sometimes pushed as a green alternative, aren’t a great choice either, as many municipal composting facilities in the U.S. don’t accept diapers; this means they end up in landfill, anyway.”

By taking away the main reason for not switching to cloth diapers, this simple idea could be a solution that a lot of otherwise eco-conscious parents would sign up for.

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