Singapore Boosts Adoption Rate Of EV Charge Points

A project called Urban Charge in Singapore has launched a new initiative where it provides free charging points with solar panels and other renewable energy installations.
Singapore Boosts Adoption Rate Of EV Charge Points

One of the biggest problems every city faces in switching to EVs is providing practical solutions for charging those vehicles easily. In many cases, that has slowed down the switch to EVs, but Singapore has possibly found a great solution.

A project called Urban Charge has launched a new initiative where it provides free charging points with solar panels and other renewable energy installations.

A report in Eco Business has some details of this transition.

The initiative, under its newly launched brand Urban Charge, is the first of its kind in Singapore that bundles EV charging infrastructure and other green energy technologies. Government efforts have been focused on public carparks, and Urban Renewables sees a “crucial need to support the installation of EV charging units at corporate and private levels”, said Edgare Kerkwijk, managing director at Urban Renewables.

What’s great about this idea is that it will also increase the volume of clean energy powering the new EVs rather than still relying on fossil fuel power stations.

The ultimate goal is to significantly reduce the ratio of EVs to charging stations from the current projection of 8:1.

Combining that with increased battery ranges and Singapore being a relatively small city and country, this should be a significant step towards fully electrifying traffic.