California Teen Invents AI-Powered Tool That Can Predict Wildfire

Ryan Honary, a 14-year-old genius, invented a an AI tool that can remotely detect and predict catastrophic events, such as wildfires and medical emergencies.
AI-powered tool that can predict wildfire

Ryan Honary, a 14-year-old genius, invented a Machine Learning (ML) sensor network that can remotely detect and predict catastrophic events, such as wildfires, medical emergencies, and other maintenance needs.

Ryan’s solution is to create a hierarchical mesh network of battery-less sensors that are constantly being monitored by his SensoRy AI, a machine learning tool he developed.

The devastating 2018 California wildfire pushed the young genius to come up with the solution. In 2019, Ryan presented his demo in the Ignite Innovation Student Challenge and won the 10,000 grand prize along with a mentorship at Tata Consultancy Services and Discovery Education.  

Later, in 2020, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) got interested in Ryan’s idea and awarded him ONR Naval Science Award. Furthermore, he won the $2 million Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from ONR.

His idea is so visionary that Retired Rear Admiral Mark F. Heinrich has joined SensoRy AI, Ryan’s own company as an advisor.

Recently, Ryan shared his thoughts and vision in an interview with Inhabitat.

My system consists of a network of detectors: mini meteorological stations and fire detectors. My network consists of mesh networking, which means that all the nodes can communicate with each other. As a result, once a fire is detected by a fire detector, the information can be communicated from node-to-node until it reaches a mini meteorological station where it will then be sent to the app I created using JavaScript.

Ryan Honary in his interview with Inhabitat

Currently, Ryan is busy testing and improvising his creation.

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