This Could Be The End For Plastic Bags In NYC

NY state has recently taken some decisive action for the environment by introducing laws that would effectively ban stores from handing out plastic bags to shoppers.
This Could Be The End For Plastic Bags In NYC

NY state has recently taken some decisive action for the environment by introducing laws that would effectively ban stores from handing out plastic bags to shoppers.

EcoWatch has shared some more details about the plastic bag ban in NY.

“The new law prohibits most stores from giving out thin plastic shopping bags. They can dispense paper bags, for which counties have the option of charging a five cent fee. Any business caught handing out the banned plastic bags will face a fine, according to NY1.

The law offers exceptions for takeout orders and bags used to wrap meat or prepared food, according to NBC4 New York. Families who use food stamps will also not have to pay the fee for paper bags.”

So, there are some exceptions to when these laws don’t apply, but those should make up a fraction of the current plastic bag use.

What’s also encouraging is the fact that stores will charge for paper bags, which are most often single-use.

This should work as a significant encouragement for shoppers to switch to reusable cloth bags or baskets.

What I found staggering is that this law could save the environment from exposure to 23 million plastic bags each year.

It’s good news for New Yorkers and will hopefully become an inspiration for other states.