Impossible Burger Displacing Animal-Derived Food in 72% of Sales

These plant-based burgers are becoming increasingly popular because they aren’t only ecologically sustainable, they also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and blood cholesterol.
Impossible Burger Displacing Animal-Derived Food in 72% of Sales

The increasing popularity of plant-based burgers in U.S. grocery stores has caused a surprisingly welcoming trend — a large chunk of sales of the plant-based Impossible Burger comes at the expense of animal-derived meat.

The report comes from Numerator, a Chicago-based analytics company, and one stat specifically has caused much attention: 9 out of 10 people who buy Impossible Burger regularly eat animal-derived foods.

According to Clean Technica, part of this trend has to do with changing consumer lifestyle habits during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Consumers’ personal situations are influencing attitudes and behavior, including levels of comfort venturing out. They are shopping mindfully and cost-consciously, with demand for local, sustainable, and value brands rising. In essence, health, safety, and finances continue to impact consumers’ attitudes and behavior, and those qualities are reflected in Impossible Burger sales.”

Plant-based burgers are vegan alternatives that look and taste like meat products. They are often made by mixing plant protein isolates, starch, vegetable extract, edible oils, and various seasonings.

These foods are becoming increasingly popular because they aren’t only ecologically sustainable, they also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and blood cholesterol while regulating calories and increasing protein consumption.