Eco-Friendly Building Materials Aim To Reduce The Construction Industry’s Carbon Footprint

Major breakthroughs in technology have come up with amazing solutions to reduce the construction industry's carbon footprint.
Eco-Friendly Building Materials Aim To Reduce The Construction Industry’s Carbon Footprint

When people talk about construction projects, they often just think of tons of cement, concrete, and steel, and of course, there’s a huge carbon footprint in traditional building materials.

But some major breakthroughs in technology and even the simplest rethinking have come up with amazing solutions.

Let’s start with Hempcrete. It’s a term people use for building blocks that combine hemp fibers with binding materials. 

The blocks look the same as normal concrete ones, but they have the advantage of being very sustainable and easy to mass-produce.

According to Cool Gadgets & Stuff, many construction projects have jumped on this new material as a way to drive down costs and increase energy ratings.

The next natural resource that is making a resurgence is straw. It was used for thousands of years, but ecologically sustainable projects have started to include it more. 

Straw is ideal because it’s lightweight and easy to pre-construct into large sections of walls. The result is a much faster construction phase where entire buildings can go up in a matter of days.

The final thing I learned about is how Lego blocks have inspired the idea of new interlocking bricks. They almost eliminate the need for cement and mortar to hold everything together.

Not only does that save on materials, but it speeds up construction time saving on labor as well.

All this means that making eco-friendly decisions now also comes with financial incentives.

Watch the full video below to find out more innovative ways to make construction projects more eco-friendly.

5 Eco-Friendly Building Materials #1