When the future of our Blue Planet is at stake, human inventiveness lacks no inspiration. From edible plastic to solar-powered garbage eaters and portable hybrid wind-water turbines, here are some of the most ingenious solutions from this year’s green inventions list.
Liter of Light is a project that helps poor communities make their own light kits by using micro solar panels and old plastic bottles.
Instead of using plastic water bottles, we could all drink from edible water blobs. Made from seaweed extract, these soft water capsules are biodegradable and can be consumed as a whole. Marathon runners already love them!
Tech Insider also reports on Mr. Trash Wheel, a solar-powered catamaran shaped like a giant head with a belt-conveyor tongue that collects trash from the rivers and lakes.
Tested in Baltimore, it has collected 999 tons of trash already.
Another invention designed to keep our oceans free from trash is the Seabin — a pump that floats like a jellyfish and sucks the surface trash into a bag, while the water flows back to the sea.
With the popularity of take-away food, edible cutlery that tastes like crackers could really help us cut back on plastic.
Another type of plastic that sea life can eat safely can soon be used to make six-pack rings and other plastic fittings.
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