In observance of Labor Day, we are closed on Monday, September 2, 2024.

Environmental Impact

Environmental Impact

GreenCitizen has calculated the greenhouse gas emissions that are prevented when electronics are recycled instead of discarded in a landfill by using the EPA’s WARM Calculator and the total weight of electronics we’ve recycled. The numbers below show how much emissions GreenCitizen has mitigated by recycling electronics, and what the emissions are equivalent to in terms of trees planted, cars taken off the road and gallons of gasoline not burned.

Recycled Electronics GHG Emission Reduction
Net Weight (lbs) Metric Tons of Recycled E-Waste Metric Tons of GHG Emissions
(MTCO2e) Mitigated
Totals: 20,321409 9,218 24,284
Total GHG Emission Reduction is Equivalent to: 
Carbon sequestered by 622,669 trees.
Annual GHG emissions from 5,059 vehicles.
Carbon emissions from burning 2,722,431 gallons of gasoline.

*Equations provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency

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