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It’s vital that more people look for careers in environmental conservation so we’ll have more hands on deck when it comes to reversing the damage being done to the planet.

Environmental conservation is an extremely important aspect of keeping the planet healthy and habitable. Many people don't realize how much damage is being done to the environment daily through various activities, which have little to no regard for the consequences.

This is why it’s vital that more people get into environmental conservation so we’ll have more hands on deck when it comes to reversing the damage being to the planet.

Let’s take a look at the career options that are available in this field, the importance of apprenticeships, and the kind of education that you’ll need to get your foot in the door of companies and non-profits who are looking to hire for these jobs.

Types of Environmental Conservation Jobs

There are several different kinds of environmental conservation jobs available across the world. You'll find that most involve working with the government, developing guidelines and laws that will protect the environment.

While there are many jobs of this nature available, the ones you get will vary greatly. Even within the government, there are different agencies and departments responsible for different aspects.

Wildlife Conservation

One option you might consider is wildlife conservation, for example. Animals play a large part in environmental issues and by preserving their natural habitats, you are doing a great deal to save the planet.

With this particular job, you'll be involved in working to protect specific species and to provide habitats for these animals. [1] In this way, your help ensures the survival of many different species.

Most environmental conservation jobs require at least a bachelor's degree in environmental engineering or natural resource management.

Environmental Law Enforcement

Environmental Law Enforcement

Another option for environmental conservation jobs is law enforcement. This kind of environmental job involves working to enforce environmental laws and regulations.

There are many different areas in which law enforcement officers are needed: from homeland security, to pollution cleanup, and to natural resources enforcement. You may even find a job in the government, where you would help formulate environmental laws and programs.

Environmental Planner

While you may have a lot of options for environmental conservation jobs, the type of conservation work you do will also depend on the type of career you are looking for.

While you can be an environmental planner working with development or endangered species, you can also find a conservation position in the private sector, working for a company that works with protecting landscapes or with conservation on a local level.

Conservation or Volunteer Manager

Conservation or Volunteer Manager

You can also work in the nonprofit community, helping to preserve resources and protecting the land.

This kind of work is good for all kinds of different skill sets, and you'll often find employment as a conservation or volunteer manager with a specific group.

Why Should You Get An Environmental Conservation Apprenticeship?

Environmental conservation jobs are available almost everywhere, from the United States to Australia to China. Now, these jobs pay reasonably well, but there is always the risk of being let down by the lack of advancement when working in an environmental conservation field.

The alternative however, which is working at a job that does not relate to conservation, can be even worse.

That's why it's vital to look into getting some environmental conservation apprenticeships during your university years. It will give you a chance to learn about different jobs that are out there in the world and to get some experience to help you find your own ideal job later on.

There are many different areas in which law enforcement officers are needed, from homeland security, to pollution cleanup, and to natural resources enforcement.

Also, by taking part in environmental conservation apprenticeships, you gain the skills you need to make sure that our planet is kept intact for our children and grandchildren.

If you want to see real change in the way we take care of the planet, it's time you learned some of the basics. Getting an apprenticeship in this field can be the first step toward making that happen.

What Are The Educational Requirements for Environmental Conservation Jobs?

What Are The Educational Requirements for Environmental Conservation Jobs

As for education, most environmental conservation jobs require at least a bachelor's degree in environmental engineering or natural resource management. [2]

However, if you prefer working with a more hands-on approach, you can pursue graduate or post-graduate degrees in these fields.

My recent research shows that conservation and park development create far more jobs than oil and gas. These two categories are not always mutually exclusive, but often a choice must be made about how to use public lands – conserve them, develop them as parks or open them up to exploration for oil and gas.

Heidi Peltier, Research Professor in Political Science and Faculty Research Fellow at the Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University

Environmental engineers may use their knowledge of earthwork, mathematics, and conservation science to design new parks or rehabilitate old ones.

Meanwhile, conservationists may use their educational background to establish partnerships between science and technology.

Final Thoughts

Once you start looking at various environmental conservation jobs, you'll probably find that you like several different types.

It's important to have a flexible schedule because you never know what the future holds in store. Even if your perfect job doesn't pan out as you hoped, you'll still be able to use your experience to help others.

The best way to learn about the various environmental conservation job positions is to contact a recruitment agency or search our Green Jobs Board for non-profit jobs, government jobs, or school programs that would be of interest to you. With the right training, you can succeed in any career that you put your mind to.



James Kao is the founder/CEO of GreenCitizen, which provides products and services that help make every day Earth Day. He's passionate about data and sustainability, with a deep background in launching, funding, and managing successful tech companies. James enjoys spending quality time with his family, hiking, traveling, watching well-made documentaries, and eating good healthy food. read more »

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