You might not always think of how your favorite wine, beer, or spirit might impact the environment, but this Christmas season, you could make some simple changes towards eco-friendly enjoyments.
Some call it a significant hangover in the alcohol industry, but a few companies are acting in new ways to make their products highly sustainable.
A report in Positive News goes into some interesting details from a company called Avallen.
“Sustainability was the major motivation for Etherington-Judge and co-founder Stephanie Jordan when they set about creating their business.
They sought out the most environmentally friendly raw material to produce alcohol from using four metrics: carbon emissions; biodiversity; water use; and pesticide and fertiliser use. The result? Apples beat sugar cane, cereal, grains, potatoes and grapes on each.”
Here are a few tips that Positive News has also shared.
- Apples have a very small environmental impact, so don’t shy away from cider or apple wine.
- Drink local wines and beers that haven’t traveled long distances on carbon polluting trucks.
- Aim to buy cans and boxes instead of bottles, as glass has a much higher carbon footprint.
So, if you’re planning your next party, then keep these tips in mind and look out for some sustainable products.